Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Got Head Covering Questions?...

Hi folks!  I'm sure many of you are aware of The Head Covering 
Movement website.  But if not - here's your chance to get acquainted.   
They are currently asking folks to ask their 'head covering' questions.  
They've done this in the past and have provided well studied
& excellent responses (just peruse the website).

But this time, they're planning to do a video feature.  So,
 you need to take a video of yourself asking the question. 
 Click HERE for a link to all the details.

The website has been a bit inactive recently while the author battled
 cancer... but he's doing better (indeed cancer free - praise Jesus) - 
and is back to providing content.  I have truly appreciated the 
site's excellent work  The one place I would disagree is their
 current view that head covering is for public worship only.  
And even there - they leave some room to other views.

So - do you have a question?  Or perhaps you've heard of a
 question that you don't have a good answer to?  Ask away!   
And if you don't want to ask them... you can always ask me.   No video needed...
To sincere questions - God and I will try to  help!  But  know that I'm not a theologian or historian.
Just a simple gal who loves Jesus and wants to obey His Word.
Hugs girlfriends.... ~Joyce

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