Thursday, February 8, 2018

You Never Know Who Is Watching....

I'm sharing a humorous sighting I had yesterday.    Humorous - 
but also sobering and a good reminder for all of us...

I happen to be an Etsy seller of vintage goods (shop here if interested)...
 and as such was in my studio space shooting product photos.  
My studio is on the 2nd floor of our home and I was stationed right by a 
window (gotta have day light!) which faces our next door neighbor.  

A bit of movement caught my attention so I looked out.  
For a while I couldn't figure out what I was seeing as there was
 simply a car parked along the road with its flashers on.  But then I
 noticed a young man in the neighbors' front yard.  It had been
 snowing and I also noticed there were car tracks in the front yard.
  Ahh...  I was starting to put 2 and 2 together!  
Apparently the young man had driven or slidden through the front yard.  

(Just an accident?  Fooling around?  I don't know...)  But it appears 
he turned around and came back to try to hide the evidence.  When
 I spotted him - he was walking all over the tire tracks - scuffling
 them with his feet - trying to make them 'disappear'.  When that 
didn't work - he spied a shovel propped against the garage - 
went and got it - and proceeded to use that to try to hide the tracks.  

Or course none of this really helped... the tracks were still very evident.   
But what was sorta cute was that the whole time he kept
 looking in all directions to see if anyone was watching him.  
(Hello - up here in the window..!!!)  

The obvious 'take-away'?   Everything WE do is seen too - 
by Jesus if no one else.  And as Christ followers - 
that should matter hugely to us.   

I know for me - this little next-door life's lesson will be a 
good reminder going forward.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus...
Colossions 3:17

Signing off with a childhood song running thru my mind...
'Oh be careful little hands what you do...'

Smile!  ~Joyce

1 comment:

  1. Silly guy! What ever became of the situation? I'm sure he felt rather foolish and I wonder how he would explain himself if they neighbors had come out.
    And it's so true. We never know who's watching and if we Christians are behaving badly, what a bad witness we are showing.


I love to hear from you and realize there are many differing beliefs on the topics of this blog. I will gladly publish honest questions or comments that will be an encouragement to other dear sisters. God bless you this day! ~Joyce