Monday, March 24, 2014

Modest Warm Spring Outfit...

It's been a while since I did a modest outfit - so why not?  
This is me from yesterday... church and an
 anniversary party for my mother-in-law in the afternoon.
The weather turned cold again - so my challenge was to 
look Springy and be warm at the same time.

 So let's see what we have here...

Brown tiered skirt - Thrifted
Pink turtleneck shirt - can't remember
Brown shoes - Thrifted (yes - really!)
Brown trouser socks - can't remember
Beige shirt worn underneath for warmth - Old Navy
Cream lace vest - Thrifted
Cream and rosy reds scarf - Cracker Barrel - (Birthday gift to myself - 60% off!)

See a common denominator there?  
I'm a thrifty gal from a way back!

 I turned a significant number over the weekend - it may show a bit. :)  
Ahh well - l'm gonna enjoy life anyway.
I highly recommend shopping Cracker Barrel's 60% off displays.  
I'm not one for tying my scarves like everyone else...
 I flip 'em and knot 'em and do all sorts of contortions
with 'em till I'm OK with the result. Weird I know.

But a new (and NOT thrifted scarf) for $7.20 works for me!

Linking to Modest Monday


  1. I think you did an excellent job. I love the colors together.
    I could never learn to tie a scarf. I always look like I wrapped it too tight.LOL!!

  2. Looking very feminine in you Sunday outfit. Love the pink and brown. I'm also a fan of thrift shopping!


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