Sunday, March 9, 2014

Modesty Without Hypocrisy...

There was an interesting statement made in the morning's sermon...

Conduct without character = hypocrisy
Character without conduct = disobedience

Scripture puts it this way...

...Faith without works is dead.  James 2:20
You will know them by their fruits.  Matthew 7:16 & 20
We can outwardly appear righteous to men but inwardly be 
full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. 
 Matthew 23:28

Dressing modestly and wearing a headcovering are things we do 
'outwardly'.  But dear sisters - anyone can do them.
  They do not make our 'faith' - nor do they mean we have good character.  
Rather - they need to be the result of our faith and be part 
of the evidence of our obedient and Christ-centered character.  

Likewise - when we have wonderful things to say for the Lord
to whomever we meet - even with much joy and grace
but our appearance does not at all line up with His Word - 
we cast doubt on the name of Jesus by our disobedience.
It's like saying I love Him, but not enough to obey Him.  It flaws our testimony.

It's a true challenge to juggle it all.  Most of us tend to err on 
one side or the other.  How do we keep it all in check?  
By seeking the Lord's face daily and letting Him be the Lord 
of our days & ways.  (That mean He leads.... we follow!)  
It also is critical to maintain a humble walk before God and others.  
It's hard to admit our wrongs.  But when we repent and resolve 
with Christ's help to again walk in a manner worthy of a
new life in Him - what blessed testimonies we can be.
Jesus has not asked anything of us that He has not faced himself...

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
 but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Hebrew 4:15

Lord - help our witness be true - from the inside to out.  Amen!

I struggle too! I would love to hear your stories of victory  ~Joyce

Linking to Modest Monday

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I love to hear from you and realize there are many differing beliefs on the topics of this blog. I will gladly publish honest questions or comments that will be an encouragement to other dear sisters. God bless you this day! ~Joyce