Saturday, January 4, 2014

A 'Wow' Modesty Video...

Months ago I came across a modesty video.
   But I dismissed it because it was/is Catholic based.  
(I love all and don't wish to offend but there are some things in the
 Catholic faith that I cannot support biblically and believe to be in error.)  
A few days ago - I watched said video.  And yes, 
there are Catholic references that I cannot support - 
but the modesty stuff?  Wow!  Double Wow.  
If even a quarter of Christianity would choose to walk 
the way the folks in this video are walking - 
what a different and more God honoring world this would be.  
So have a watch and see if you're not challenged.  I was/am!

If you were challenged - I'd love to hear about it!


  1. This is really,really good. Thanks for putting this on your blog. We can learn from these people!

  2. Hello again...Since I am a new follower of your blog I thought that I would take a few moments in some of your past posts.
    I too was conscious about watching this video because of the Catholic material.I ended up watching it and am so glad I did!
    Your little reference to it was wonderfully said! Thank you for spreading the news! :)



I love to hear from you and realize there are many differing beliefs on the topics of this blog. I will gladly publish honest questions or comments that will be an encouragement to other dear sisters. God bless you this day! ~Joyce