Thursday, May 16, 2013

Because Of the Angels....A Testimony...

I don't think there is a bible commentary out there that doesn't 
stumble over this part of the I Cor. 11 passage regarding headcovering.  
And rightly so - it's not crystal clear.  (verse 10 on side bar)  
But I have heard enough real life testimonies and stories that I 
believe a woman's covered head has definite significance in the 
spirit world.  And I believe it goes far beyond being just a sign to the 
angels that watch over our church services (as many commentaries suggest.)

This story from Kendra on her 'A Proverbs 31 Wife' blog is interesting.

She and her mother had an encounter with a follower of Jesus who 
had once been a Satanist.  Kendra and her mother practice daily 
headcovering (which is probably what initiated the encounter in the first place).  
Go read this man's parting words to them as their  conversation ended.

I'll share more stories and thoughts on this subject in future posts... so stay tuned!

Be a Light in this Dark World ~ Joyce 


  1. I saw Kendra's tweet on Twitter and answered her question. I hope it was not rhetorical. I responded that he said what he said because sometimes, people who practice the occult and witchcraft are wiser about spiritual things than most Christians. He knew what kind of protection a woman who covers is under.


I love to hear from you and realize there are many differing beliefs on the topics of this blog. I will gladly publish honest questions or comments that will be an encouragement to other dear sisters. God bless you this day! ~Joyce