Monday, April 22, 2013

But What About the Prostitutes?...

Today's bite-sized Headcovering thought...

Have you heard or perhaps been taught that the reason 
Paul shared about headcoverings in I Cor. 11 was because 
the prostitutes of the day were about the only ones
 who went about bareheaded and shorn?  
So the Christian women needed to look different than them?   
And I think the argument further goes that since this is 
no longer the case - we no longer need to practice headcovering.


Well, interestingly - Paul never mentions the prostitutes, 
the culture of the day or anything remotely close for the reason 
for this teaching.  It would seem that should have been mentioned.
(He does mention 'traditions' - we'll have to look at that in another post.)

Also - according to R.C.H.Leske in his book
The Interpretation of I and II Corinthians  "all the evidence that 
has been discovered proves that only a few of the very lowest 
types (of prostitutes) had shorn or shaven heads".

And according to Myron Horst -  "By the time 1 Corinthians 
was written, 200 years after the temple prostitute system was destroyed,
 Corinth was a thoroughly Roman city. Life in the Roman Empire, 
during this time in the first century AD, was in many ways more like 
society today than any other time in history."  He also states from 
his research that there were other nonChristian women - 
not just the prostitutes - of this time that did not cover their heads.

For a further in depth study of dress and
 headcovering customs of the day - check out 

May the Word of God be our guide for life ~ Joyce

1 comment:

  1. I Corinthians 11 isn't only for and about women. If the verses were saying that women should be veiled so as to not be like prostitutes, then why does the Scripture place just as much emphasis on men NOT being veiled? In other words, what does the importance of a man having his head uncovered have to do with prostitution? The headship principle and symbols are based on God's order of authority, creation, glories, and the angels. These are timeless realities which do not change with time, place, or shifting cultures.


I love to hear from you and realize there are many differing beliefs on the topics of this blog. I will gladly publish honest questions or comments that will be an encouragement to other dear sisters. God bless you this day! ~Joyce